Medicine / Hospital sector

The diffusion-blocking property as well as the physical separation of the individual partial chambers of the same container are the core properties that make multi-chamber technology suitable for the medical or hospital sector.

In contrast to other industries, only the aspect of process safety plays a paramount role in the hospital sector when it comes to multi-chamber technology.
The portioning property of our multi-chamber technology means that different products that need to be administered to a patient can be efficiently stored together in a single multi-chamber vial/bottle. As there is no diffusion, there is also no risk of mixing, which could lead to the stored substances becoming unusable. So instead of collecting individual vials and working with the risk of mix-ups, it is better to pack medicines or substances that need to be administered together in a multi-chamber pack from the outset.

Logistics costs, packaging waste and process risks are the biggest weaknesses that can be eliminated. The most important thing is the huge reduction in process errors and costs in the hospital sector. This can save many lives and hospitals.

The other major benefit is the reduction in wastage of medicines, which is partly due to them being thrown away because the medicine bottle has been open too long, sometimes as a direct result of groundwater contamination. For certain medicines, e.g. juices, porting can help avoid having to throw away the whole bottle because the unopened partial chambers have remained intact.

Contact us for a technology presentation and analysis of the economic suitability of multi-chamber technology for your business model..

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